Tap Out Marathon Video

Tap Out Marathon Video
How long does it take before taping out inbetween the gams or the arms of Liz ? Tap out Marathon is a non staged movie in which every budge is permitted and Liz will excel in that spectacle!! Holds are real, see how long can Steve treat the pressure before a rib cracks or he goes for night night!!! Following is an unreal scene of Steve screaming, groaning, fighting and... taping out again and again... each submission counted by our referee-cameraman. Liz is really excited and totally out of control applying devastating painful and dangerous holds over and over!!! Head-scissor, rib-crush, real chokes, real sleepers, armbars, insane elbow and shoulder twisters close to dislocation and tons of insane holds... Liz goes totally wild!!! How many times will she have him tap out in the 22 minutes long video... check it out!!!