Streusel Hybrid Unaware

Its breakfast time! Katelyn sits down to love her toaster streusel, but unaware to her theres four shrunken fellows on her food- you included! With being on the end of the streusel, you get an amazing view as she licks the little dude closest to her with one big sexy bite. She resumes to love, and shortly after that she notices all of you, but she doesnt mind! Playing on her nice girly pink phone she resumes just as she was- but looks direct at all of you here and there, with an expression that shes very blessed to be eating all of you! After the last bite she licks her fingers and gets up to go begin her day. This video is in 60p slow-mo! The beginning first bite first shrunken man plays at regular motion, and from 2:30 onward the rest of the video plays in super sexy slow mo with closeup mouth shots and juicy eating sounds! Special thanks to Dan for ordering this custom!