Queen Nora Makes This Boy Panic Over Over

Queen Nora Makes This Boy Panic Over Over
This poor dude couldnt treat Nora to save his life. It was challenging for him to last more than 10 seconds under her enormous framework. To be fair. He is little. And she is super mighty. He said it looked so fluffy and joy in her movies but he quickly learned it was anything but the sort. Fat is soft. But with so much of it feels like a boulder on your. Your mind starts racing that youre and before you know it, youre in full on fright. That was this guys every moment in this movie as he struggled inbetween lasting long enough for a movie and tapping every few seconds. She gives him a few drops here and there. Pay special attention to the chair itself. Its amazing how it buckles under her load when she plops down. For the record, it didnt move a centimeter when a grown man sat on it. At another point she rips a huge fart just before plopping back down onto him. Nora at her finest!