Naked Foot Food Crushing 19

Naked Foot Food Crushing 19
Lea has eaten enough herself; What shall make her only with the other things in the the feet brokenly realize, is clear anyway? Nobody else needs! anyway takes you away from the foam roles from the refrigerator; One she indeed still slurps but the other must believe in it remained of two; Full of contempt she throws the role on the ground and already increases with her naked feet, too on this; And still then the petite chocolate covered marshmallows are there; One which this tastes attempts them them still but no she instantly slams the bomb on the Bonden to the other things and crusht anyway, too with the foot; There and the banana; Fruit, no thanks; Then choose to crush; Therefore the banana flies also to all the other things on the ground; And the entire mess is plane step asided beautifully on the ground.