Today DungeonRoma I have determined my slave will not be released from his restrain bondage. He has been in his restricted position for a few days now, and Im sure he will be suffering a fine deal. Thats exactly the way I like it. Im not sure what I will do with him, perhaps you may have some suggestions you would like to share? However, as I contemplate his fate I will love a cigarette. With him still fighting to breathe with his taut ballgag in his mouth, I have determined to permit him a little reprieve. I eliminate his ballgag and he lets out a massive breathe of ease. Its of course his gasps for air are brief lived, as I quickly substitute it with a jennings gag. I so enjoy that gargling sound as he tries to breathe. I light my cigarette, and tell him he is going to be used as my human ashtray. I know he doesnt enjoy sharing my cigarette, I dont really give a I continue to blow my smoke into his face, and flick my ash into his mouth, and my bitch struggles and chokes for breath. I also allow him the pleasure of my delicious spit into his gaping mouth. Finally I stub my cigarette out on his tongue and leave him to choke. Meanwhile, he will remain in my dungeon where he will live out his .
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