Hubby of its been such a long time since you eyed me naked, isnt it? Do you reminisce how beautiful my bod is? Its gorgeous, isnt it? Its the best assets you could ever wish to get your mitts on. Its been such a long time since I permitted you that privilege. And the thing is, dear hubby, its unlikely that Ill permit you that privilege for a long time. You dont touch me like he does. I suppose youre wondering why Im permitting you to witness me in the bath bathtub when Im totally naked. Well, you see, the thing is, Im getting ready to go on a date. Can you guess who it is? I call it a date, but you and I both know theres no only fucking. Its such a shame that I have to go elsewhere to be to be sated. You know that you dont please me and thats the reason I have to fuck another man. Frankly, if you werent such a frustration, I wouldnt have to do it. Youre making me fuck another man! Youve only got your idiot self to blame. So, why are you in the bathroom? The fact is, I have to keep you on your toes. I have to remind you whats yours, but not truly. You see, were married. We have a lovely home. You work hard to provide for me -- us! Sorry, I mean, us. This is just a gentle reminder that you married the most beautiful woman you could ever hope to have. And its good that you know this. Have you guessed who Im going to fuck? Yes, its Alex.
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